We have three leaders in the open section after round six. The top match between sole leading Serbia and Croatia ended up with 2-2. This score gave a chance to four teams to join the top of the standings. Germany after a lost in the previous round get back to fight after victory over Hungary, Moldova won the match against Czech Republic. With a chances for a medal there are still three more teams. Turkey won all the games defeating Denmark. The encounter between two Polish teams brought a victory of Poland IV, which is the biggest surprise of the event. Also one point behind the leaders is Croatia.
Very interesting pawn-ending appeared on the top board of the match between Czech Republic and Moldova:
FM Vykouk, Jan 2431 - IM Morozov, Nichita 2458Moldovian after gaining huge advantage in the middle game, went to a position above. The game continued:
49... Kd6 50. Kd4 b5 51. Kxe4 Kc5 52. Kd3 Kd5 53. Kc3 Ke4 54. Kb4 Kxe3 55. Kxb5 Kf3 56. Kc4 Kg3 57. Kd3 Kxh4 58. Ke4 ½-½
Black could have win after:
49... Kc6! 50. Kd4 Kb5 51. Kxe4 Kc4 52. Kf4 b5 53. e4 b4 54. e5 Kd5! if 55.Kf5 then black queen appears on the borad with check.
Girls section
The 6th round was also very stout, but a tiredness of the players is clearly visible. Ukraine was facing the team of Slovenia on the first board. Although Laura Unuk did not manage to overplay an opponent, her friend has won on the second board. This slip was exploited by Poland – the hostesses have won convincingly against German team (2-0) and are the soul leader after 6 rounds. It is worth to underline the brilliant score of Anna Kubicka – 6 points out of 6 games. Tomorrow's victory or a draw will lead the Polsih team to gold medals. Of course their opponents from Estonia will do their best to upset Plsih apple-cart. Let's take a look at the very nice game of the first board of Polish team:
Jana Schneider (GER) – Oliwia Kiołbasa (POL I)
Black's compensation is enormous. White has chosen the sudden-death method: 31.Rxd3 cxd3 32.Qd1 Bg5 33.c4 d2 34.Re2 Rxa3! The fastest way - 35.Bxa3 Bxc4 36. Bf2 Be3 37.Bb2 Be2!! 0-1
Also a team Poland II has won 1,5-0,5 against Czech Republic and also has a chance to win the medal. Estonia has won against top seed of the torunament – Serbia I.
Let's take a look at one more nice victory of young player from Estonia:
Margareth Olde (EST) – Marina Gajcin (Serbia I)
How should White continue? The material is even, but how to attack? Young Estonian player finds a very nice plan. 1.f3! Qd6 2.Kh1! White will use the 'g' file to attack the Black's king. 2...a6 3.Rg1 Rf6? Black misses a tactical blow in a very poor position - 4.Ne4! fxe4 5.Qxc8+ Kh7 6.Qg4 Qf8 7.fxe4+- Ne6 8.Rxa6 Ng5 9.Rxf6 Qxf6 10.Bxg5 hxg5 11.d5 1-0